
Our music is a gift from and offering to God.

Music is a vital and integral part of worship at First Presbyterian Church. We sustain ourselves as individuals and as a congregation through rich worship experiences filled with diverse artistic expression, with our music reinforcing and heightening the meaning of Scripture and the spoken word.

We welcome participants of all ages and levels of experience to join our choirs, play the handbells, or serve as an instrumentalist in an ensemble. There is joy to be shared through music!

The Choir

The Choir rehearses Sunday mornings 9:00-10:15 and leads worship in our 10:30 worship service. The choir sings pieces from diverse choral backgrounds and enjoys the musical development, social outlet, and spiritual growth of their time together.  

Kentucky Wesleyan Singers

Our congregation is blessed to have a relationship with the music department of Kentucky Wesleyan College, where our choir director serves as a professor. Each year, the church supports a group of Kentucky Wesleyan Singers, comprised of current students and recent alums, who contribute to our music program through their leadership and vocal performance.

Handbell Choir

The Handbell Choir provides members and friends with an opportunity to experience music through the playing of handbells. The Handbell Choir shares pieces in worship a few times each year.

Special Services

Throughout the year, our choir offers special musical services to enrich our worship experience. These include a special Christmas program, a Southern Gospel worship service, a jazz service, and our annual celebration of World Communion Sunday.